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Rules of the game

0-0 Let's kick off. We want you to have fun, and lively, passionate discussions are part of that - after all passion is what makes football such a beautiful game - so witty, friendly banter is ok, but please keep comments civil and respect each other: trolling, racism, religious intolerance, cussing, vitriol or fighting on the terraces have no place here. Users engaging in any kind of abuse will be banned immediately and have all of their comments deleted.

1-0 Don't use your email address for a username: it will be deleted.

1-1 Your email address must be genuine otherwise you won't get the password. Eventually, when we've had enough, we will delete your account. We run periodic checks on email accounts: should you delete your email account post-registration or application and approval will be voided as a matter of course. All comments will be deleted.

2-1 Choose your username wisely. Once chosen, it cannot be changed. Show your colours, but keep it lighthearted

2-2 It is best not to use your real name as your username. This invariably causes problems in the long run.

3-2 Don't give The Beautiful Bet an email address or information for an account or otherwise that you don't want made public. If you're uncomfortable with us having your information, or you're unwilling to accept that loss of data occurs and there exists a possibility of your information slipping into the general public, don't register. You should have no expectation of privacy. We make no guarantees with respect to privacy. We disclaim all liablity regarding the making of your information public. Use only anonymous information when registering and interacting with The Beautiful Bet.

4-2 We have to use cookies to log you in. If you don't have cookies enabled, you can't log in. By submitting a request for this user account, you're expressly giving us permission to use cookies per our Cookie Policy.

Read this too

The Beautiful Bet, contributors, commentators, outside contributors, contractors, and affiliates ("TBB") present financial news and information. TBB does not present information as an investment advisor or in any advisory role. Making investment decisions based on information published by TBB, or any internet site for that matter, is more than unwise: it is folly. Accordingly, users agree to hold TBB harmless for all information presented on the site. TBB presents no warranties. The Beautiful Bet and all members are not responsible for any loss of data, financial loss, interruption in services, claims of libel, damages or loss from the use or inability to access The Beautiful Bet, any linked content, or the reliance on any information on the site.

TBB provides no assurance or guarantee of "up-time," or reliability. TBB does not guarantee to be free of errors, malicious code or computer viruses. TBB are not responsible for any loss of data, financial loss, interruption in services, claims of libel, damages or loss from the use or inability to access The Beautiful Bet, any linked content, or the reliance on any information on the site.

All of the content on The Beautiful Bet is provided without assurance or warranty of any kind. No warranty of fitness for any particular use, merchantability or non-infringement is made. Users agree to hold The Beautiful Bet and users fully harmless in all events. Should a user chose to bring claim against The Beautiful Bet, users agree to binding mediation in a jurisdiction of TBB's choice.

By registering you indicate that you have read The Beautiful Bet's disclaimer, the The Beautiful Bet privacy policy, and our enlightened conflicts/full-non-disclosure policy.

We reserve the right to terminate & suspend accounts with or without cause, and without notice. This shall under no circumstances be cause for action. Users are advised to guard their privacy, and not use their real names or reflect their identity in any manner.

If you do not agree, please do not continue.

Other than that, have fun!

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